Is it the cul-de-sac that is creating the negative energy--or is it the fact that the property being marketed  is dated, in disrepair and/or overpriced?

Amusing to skeptics and informative to true believers--you know who you are, those readers who throw salt over their shoulder, knock on wood, and never cross paths with a black cat when walking around ladders all the while being ever-so-careful to avoid stepping on sidewalk cracks--this article reflects the extent to which many will go at this time of year when trying to sell their house. 

Halloween Home Cleansing - Yahoo! HOMES article

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Living in an age of technology that has condensed entire libraries of books and housed them conveniently into portable compact tablets the size of a single paperback--causes one to speculate as to the future of our libraries.

Collections gathered over time have grown from beloved childhood favorites when we first fell in love with a reading...prized gifts handed down to us as caretakers, with the intention of continuing the tradition by passing along on to the next generation. Many book lovers, while greatly appreciating the convenience of such technology, remain unwilling to part with precious, hardcopy books.

Several of our properties, whether a highrise condo or a traditional lakeside home, have excellent library spaces. Let us know if this…

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