Are you a home owner or a home seller? Making the decision to pack up and move on to the next chapter in one's life is monumental. Whether prompted by death in the family, divorce, job relocation or simply down-sizing as empty-nesters -- having a positive outlook and looking forward not backwards is key to letting go.

Having resided in a home for possibly decades, the task for many of diving in and and purging opens up deep seated emotions and can be an overwhelming event. We've come to recognize that the home selling process, while wrenching for some, can actually be cathartic and healing. Letting go requires adjusting viewpoints. The house and property that has been a home filled with memories must now be treated and perceived as a product for…

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"Ignore it and hope that it goes away."

Don't be an ostrich with its head buried in the sand! Deferred maintenance is the single most damaging factor for homeowners when wanting to sell their home. Most cities have Truth-in-Housing types of required inspections to ensure that when a buyer takes over the responsibility of a property, that it meets basic requirements of safety.

As a seller, you'll expect and want to reap the highest price for your property. Waiting until you are ready to go live on the market could cost you. How? It won't compare favorably with others in better condition, your selling price may have to be lower as a result of its poor condition, and/or you will lose valuable market time trying hastily to make repairs while buyers…

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