Tradition. The tie that binds is our common shared experience.

Time honored traditions, although passed down from generation to generation, have evolved over the centuries. Greatly influenced by technology (or lack thereof) what we find ourselves celebrating today is something quite different from that of our forefathers.

The link below affords us a peek into the daily life and customs of the early Americans and the Pilgrim settlers. We invite you to compare how times have changed by viewing the slide presentations of our catalogue of homes that are currently on the market, and to reflect on the many benefits and amenities that have become so much a part of our lives today that we could easily take for granted.

May you all enjoy a happy…

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Peak autumn colors have faded, snowbirds have begun their seasonal pilgrimage to warmer southern climates, and Monday morning's icy rush hour commute can only bring us to one conclusion: Mother Nature has given us our official 'heads up' that winter is soon to be upon us!

That said, now is the time to take advantage of the days left to finish those pesky outdoor|seasonal|winterizing chores before it becomes more difficult and challenging to do so. The attached article offers helpful tips on being ahead of the 8-Ball...or, our case, ahead of the SNOWball!

November "Must Do" Projects

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We sprang forward last Spring, and we are now approaching that time of year when we 'Fall Back'.

Ever wonder why Daylight Saving Time?

For many, we perhaps once knew the answer, but unless you have a school-aged person in your household, its been long forgotten.

For those of us who need a refresher, link to view this informative article posted in National Geographic Daily News  - "Daylight Saving Time 2012: Why and When Does it Begin?"

Remember to set your clocks back one hour when you go to bed Saturday, November 3rd--and enjoy that extra hour of sleep!


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