Realtor Barry Berg has sold this property six times in Minneapolis. Believe it or not, realtor Barry Berg has sold this Lake Harriet property SIX times.

The average American will move 11 times throughout his or her life. Those moves may be a relocation, a local shift into a larger home to raise a family, or a downsize from a large empty nest to a more manageable condo or townhouse.

No matter the reason, when it’s time to sell your house and find a new home, wouldn’t it be nice to work with the same group each time you move? That’s why clients come back to the Berg Larson Group over and over again.

One couple has worked with the Berg Larsen Group three times over the past 25 years, seeking support for moves from lakeside living, to a vibrant condo in the heart of downtown, to a larger home in the suburbs. The…

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Deb Shafer and her family at their summer cabin in New York.Office Manager Deb Shafer with her family.

It takes a lot of organization and effort to keep the Berg Larsen Group team running smoothly. From payroll to photo memory books, our office manager, Deb Shafer, works her magic behind the scenes so that our clients and agents have the best experience possible. Learn more about Deb’s skills and interests here.

Tell us about your role, responsibilities, and how you have shaped your job to benefit clients: 

As the Office Manager, I wear many hats and switch them multiple times each day. Everyone jokes that I am the team wrangler. I am the bookkeeper: I pay bills, do payroll, and prepare for taxes. I also work with our sellers and buyers to help guide them from sale to closing day, such as making sure…

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