The Spring Selling Season: New Listings by Month

Compared to 2015, 2016 was significantly more active in terms of new listings.  From the chart, you can see healthy activity in new listings between $500k-$1M (red) in the beginning part of the year, as well as a spike of ten new listings priced between $1M-$2M (green) in May of 2016.  Note the drop off of new listings following June, when they only trickled in until the end of the year.  

This chart is interactive, slide cursor over graph for further information.

If you are interested in buying or selling, we’re here to help you. Our team of professional agents understand the market and are ready to help you in today’s busy real estate market. Contact us today to speak to a member of the team,…

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Giving Back to Our Parks

The beauty of Minnesota is its seasons, we have them all. Summers heat seems to be finer due to our cold, and sometimes harsh winters. The splendor of Fall is leaves changing to brilliant colors that stop us in our tracks and inspire us to go on long walks bundled in cozy sweaters. In Spring, when the chill of winter slowly departs and we venture out from our hibernation to take our activities outside as often as possible to our parks, playgrounds, lakes and trails.

This Spring, throughout April and May, as we celebrate the coming of green grass, the blooming of flowers and the warming of our lakes, we’re donating $100 for every new listing we put on the market to the local non-profit People for Parks.…

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The Spring Selling Season: New Listings by Month

Rolling Green, like other parts of Edina, saw a healthy increase in the number of new listings in 2016 over 2015.  This increase is converse to the trend at the $1M - $2M range (blue). Note the high point in June with six new listings between $2 - 3M (red) and five new listings above $3M (green).  Also, note the decline of inventory in new listings under $2M (blue).

This chart is interactive, slide cursor over graph for further information.

If you are interested in buying or selling, we’re here to help you. Our team of professional agents understand the market and are ready to help you in today’s busy real estate market. Contact us today to speak to a member of the team, 612-925-8411 or…

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The Spring Selling Season: New Listings by Month

The Twin Cities Spring real estate market is a bit of a chicken and egg question.  Do the buyers come out first, then the sellers respond by putting their homes on the market? Or, do the sellers put their homes on the market drawing out buyers?  What we've seen as a general trend in the Twin Cities, is; over the years, there has been a reliable pattern that sellers begin to put homes on the market in February, after the Super Bowl. From there, the numbers of new listings per month continues to rise.  It will be interesting to see how the 2017 market plays out.

In this area of Minneapolis (Cedar, Calhoun, Isles), the item of note is the doubling of new listing inventory in the $1-1.9M (green) range…

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The Spring Selling Season: New Listings by Month

The Twin Cities Spring real estate market is a bit of a chicken and egg question.  Do the buyers come out first, then the sellers respond by putting their homes on the market? Or, do the sellers put their homes on the market drawing out buyers?  What we've seen as a general trend in the Twin Cities, is; over the years, there has been a reliable pattern that sellers begin to put homes on the market in February, after the Super Bowl. From there, the numbers of new listings per month continues to rise.  It will be interesting to see how the 2017 market plays out.

Along with the general seasonal trends we see in the overall market, the Country Club neighborhood, as noted in the chart below, saw a large…

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