We Minnesotans claim to love all four seasons, but let’s admit we especially savor the warmer temperatures and longer days of summer, with backyard BBQ’s, trips to the lake, neighborhood celebrations…road construction and mosquitoes!

Mortgage rates remain at historically low rates meaning buyers are  taking advantage of the season to converge on the housing market.  Multiple offers are common on entry to mid-level priced single family homes and the demand for downtown condominiums and newer construction, in prime urban and suburban areas, remains very solid. 

Even millennials are beginning to recognize that purchasing a home is a better investment than paying rent.  This generation has different priorities and tastes in housing than their…

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Marriage. Divorce. Funeral. Birth.

Planning for these life altering events top the list of life's stressors. Since these events often trigger and put into motion the process of a move, it places buying and selling a home as a close second.

The distraction of emotions and sense of being overwhelmed sometimes cause us focus on the big things and unwittingly forego the obvious. Do you have a helpful tip based on your recent move? Drop us an email! We are always seeking new ways to assist our clients to make the most of their home buying/selling experience!


Note this helpful article entitled,

'Nine Simple Tips for a Stress Free Move' Yahoo! HOMES 

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Testimonials can be tools used by businesses to impress upon potential clients what makes their services better than that of the competition. These testimonials come in a variety of forms. At times they are recommendations to friends, thank you letters from happy clients, and then there are the unsolicited commentaries that reflect the opinion of our neighbors.

Here's a commentary that was contributed by one of our neighbors that we would like to share with you:

"Sitting in the salon yesterday, I'd overheard a woman discussing selling her home. When asked which Realtor she'd hired, her response was, "I'm going to represent myself--there's not that much to it." Really.

This woman's reasoning piqued my curiousity as sadly, not one of her…

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