NOW! Why? Mortgage rates are incredibly low, 3.81%. In fact, it’s the lowest they’ve been in years. Recently, Bankrate posted an article, “No Siesta for Mortgage Refinance Fiesta”, stating that the 30-year mortgage are the lowest they’ve been in over 52 weeks. And, with rates being this low, now is a great time to buy or refinance, locking in on a low interest rate.

The Barry Berg Group has a team of knowledgeable realtors that know the market, neighborhoods and work closely with you to match your home with your lifestyle.  We help you find the home you’re looking for and the experienced office staff to facilitate and expedite the paperwork. But, what we can also offer is access to loan officers with great experience, profound knowledge and up to…

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Much like in the summer, when condensation beads up on an ice cold refreshment, windows will fog, steam or freeze solid in the winter due to moisture in the air. Warm air with water particles come in contact with a cold surface and the invisible water particles condense on to the glass. This can occur a few different ways. You can get moisture on the interior of the home, inside of the window, or on the storm window, which typically freezes and becomes a wild frozen piece of art. It may look neat, but you can’t see out the windows and that’s no fun.

Some homes have it good. In the winter, once they’re shut in and the furnace runs, the interior air dries and condensation stops. Homes that don’t have it so sound have a constant battle. If condensation…

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