We certainly recognize that these are unique times. Your health and safety are our paramount concerns, followed closely by getting your home sold and closed. The Berg Larsen Group remains proactive in monitoring the state and local guidelines for best practices. 

We know there are buyers who are out looking and need to find a place to live. We are not recommending taking homes off the market, but rather to stay the course and make the property available to those who want to see it.

(For those getting their home ready for market) For the time being, for the reasons mentioned above, we recommend allowing us to continue to list your home on MLS as we have been planning.

For showings on your home we recommend the following actions:

  • No open…

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We recognize that these are increasingly challenging times for clients like who are actively looking to buy your next home. The tight inventory levels make it important to act when new real estate comes on the market. As the Twin Cities, and our nation, deal with the threat of COVID-19, our goal is to make this process as smooth as possible and to offer the following services to maintain your health, safety, and peace of mind:

  • Virtual Tours - We are happy to preview homes you're interested in by offering a virtual tour. Ask questions during a live video tour or we can send you a recording.
  • Email Notes and Seller's Disclosures - Often there are Seller’s disclosure documents and notes associated with the listing that are not available to…

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With COVID-19 dominating the news and impacting the personal and professional lives of us all these days, Chad and I felt it was important to share our perspective on this critical issue.

While we have been fortunate thus far that there have been limited diagnoses of contagion in the Twin Cities, it seems inevitable that there will be more before the threat subsides. 

Having weathered 9/11 and the economic downturn of 2008-2012, we are confident that COVID-19 will run its course.  Yet we cannot know definitively at this juncture how long this will take.

Several of you have inquired whether we’re seeing an adverse impact on the housing market.  With limited inventory in the market – all to your benefit as a current home seller – and with…

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Rebecca Peterson - Licensed Realtor and Pet Lover

Selling a house that your fluffy, furry, finned or feathered friends call home is no easy feat. Beyond keeping a home picked up for showings, it’s important to factor in how pets will affect showings, how to prepare a pet-friendly house and how to make sure pets stay happy and safe during the home showing process.

It is always easiest for pets to be removed from a home for showings. I’ve witnessed a Dr. Doolittle-type home clearing prior to a showing where sellers filled a van with family pets. However, this isn’t always possible or practical. If your pet will be home for a showing, make sure there’s ample warning to those entering the home so they aren’t surprised. Let buyers know if there…

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