From taking our first step, expressing individuality has helped us to grow while balancing awareness of the need to fit in and remain generally excepted.

For this very reason buyers seek out a home that they feel 'fits' them in a way that isn't cookie cutter, yet doesn't stand out in such a way that turns others off.

When you are planning to move and are making your property ready for the market, you'll want to give serious consideration to curb appeal. There have been many buyers who were interested from viewing photos online, but never stepped foot inside of a property because the curb appeal was lacking.

What should be done? The answer is as simple as 1-2-3.

1 - Clean, clean, clean

2 - Update and Refresh both inside and out

3 -…

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As one school year comes to a close, planning for the next school year begins.

A major criteria for many parents is the school district that their new home lies within. Not everyone has the option of private or home schooling, so the quality of the public school system bears much weight when determining which property is the best fit for a family.

US News Top Ranking Minnesota Schools

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