As the market continues on its healing trend, reports support buying as the better investment over renting.

Note the attached new article as reported by ABC News:

Buying Better Than Renting

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The Wall Street Journal recognizes the Barry Berg Group as Coldwell Banker Burnet's Top Team in Real Estate Transactions!

Minneapolis-St Paul Business Journal

In today’s competitive marketplace wherein presentation is key to garnering the right buyer for your property, it is more crucial than ever to have the value of a professional team working on your behalf.

 The First Impression Is The Lasting Impression.

Studies on the subject repeatedly show that first impressions are gathered within the first few minutes while in a home. For this reason, business partners Chad Larsen and Barry Berg have gathered together a team of professionals, and have honed a process that is employed with each of our listings to ensure that your property is…

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The rule of thumb when buying real estate with resale in mind, is to never buy the biggest or best house on the block. Ever wonder what the White House would sell for if it were on the market?

Read this interesting article, "What Would the White House Cost..."

Have a Happy & Safe Holiday!

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Invisible homes? That's right. It's amazing the creative lengths some homeowners take to accomplish privacy. 

If it's privacy with style that you're seeking, we can help! We have been matching homes with lifestyles for over thirty years. Allow us to share with you the prospects available in your favorite neighborhood.

Link to article featuring fun and creative homes that have been camouflaged into their surroundings:

Interesting Camouflaged Homes

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Is your home your castle?

Sir Edward Coke in The Institutes of the Laws of England, stated in 1628:

"For a man's house is his castle, et domus sua cuique est tutissimum refugium [and each man's home is his safest refuge]."

This proverb has been enshrined into law, defined and redefined over centuries. What we are left with begs the question,

 What defines home for you?

Click on the link to view ten American castles--other than ours listed, that is!  10 Must-See American Castles

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Signs of an early spring are not just in the warmer temps and budding trees. The market has been reflecting buyers' activity as a result.

Note the attached article as printed in the StarTrib regarding this subject,

--from the Desk of Becky Peterson

802 Views, 0 Comments

If you haven't yet, drive by our bigger than life billboard located at the corner of Excelsior Boulevard & West 32nd Street!

As part of the Coldwell Banker Burnet marketing campaign, Chad and Barry have been recognized for their outstanding sales performance during 2011, and as leaders in the real estate industry.

Apparently, it's quite a hit!

772 Views, 0 Comments

Please enjoy the following excerpt, the third and final in a series from Barry's travel journal having spent the month of January in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

A word about restaurants (and dining)…let me begin by sharing my biases as follows:

Argentina is famed for its meat and its grills (the word “parrilla” on a restaurant or menu signals that the restaurant or offerings are grilled meats). I’m not one to patronize steak houses in the States, but for my money I’ll take the American equivalent over the Argentine any day of the week.  Nonetheless, you probably owe it to yourself to sample one (I had my first goat, a fairly sweet meat…but I detest fatty meat and have no tolerance for gristle). I dined commonly with local friends, as well as friends…

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Please enjoy the following excerpt, the second in a series from Barry's travel journal having spent the month of January in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

The Arts

Given my love for the arts in general, here’s my read on Buenos Aires: 

Architecture. While many buildings could use a sandblasting or power wash (and some assistance on graffiti removal, which I was told was helpless, given political dissonance between the mayor of BA and the President of Argentina, representing conflicting political parties), there are endless examples of outstanding European influenced architecture. This includes suburban communities, which struck me as more akin to Tube stops in West London, with charming village centers and frankly striking and affluent feeling…

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