Whenever you are heading out of town for a long weekend or going on a vacation during winter months, it is imperative to take precautions against freezing water pipes.

Minnesnowta winters can flip balmy mid-30's temperatures into sub-zero temps overnight. Note the attached article as published online regarding what measures you can take to prevent coming home to a disaster. 

Yahoo! HOMES article, Preventing Pipes From Freezing 

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When selling a home, being prepared on an ongoing basis to accommodate showings can make one feel apprehensive...particularly if the job to maintain its showing appeal falls primarily onto one person's shoulders. This can prove to be even more daunting with households that include young persons and|or small children.

The fact is, just because we are moving doesn't mean that our lives orbit around The House. There are still school projects to be created, sports activities to attend, and lest we forget, cold and flu season can throw a wrench into even Martha Stewart's routine!

For those with busy households, teamwork is an absolute necessity when it comes to picking up. When everyone pitches in it can be a real stress diffuser for mom and dad, and…

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Cut Home Insurance Costs While Increasing Home Value

The turn of the New Year presents us with the opportunity to establish new habits, eliminate outdated practices and services, while readdressing needs often overlooked during busier times in the year.

As times change, so does the appropriate coverage for our assets. For example, making necessary roof repairs not only lowers one's home insurance costs, it enhances the resale value at the same time. Note the attached article and see whether or not there are points worthy of consideration with your home. 

Yahoo! HOMES /Forbes.com article "10 Ways to control your home insurance costs'

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It starts with a plant in our first little apartment. Next a pet for company. Then a starter home shared with a loved one. Before long offspring of our own. Wasn't it just yesterday that we brought home our first little bundle of joy? Perhaps you recall thinking that night as you rushed off towards the maternity ward, that your sleeping toddler safely tucked snug in their bed was so small--yet mere hours later when introduced to her tiny new sibling, she magically became very big and grown up.

A growing family's needs expand nearly as quickly as children grow. In a perfect world, the confluence of timing and finances accommodate all planned family additions. But back here in reality, those family needs often sneak up on us and we find that…

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Not all New Year's Resolutions each year are made because we've failed to keep the ones we'd vowed to last year. Well...maybe a few such as that diet or exercise routine we'd promised ourselves. But in the bigger picture, each year presents us with new challenges.

Life is ever-changing and often throws us an unexpected curve ball. New circumstances propel us forward in directions we may not have planned for. For some that means a job change in a new city. For others it means an expanding family or retirement years.

Whichever the case may be for your household, we can help. We match homes with lifestyles. Our team of professionals like you share a variety of circumstances and can appreciate your needs. Together we will address your comprehensive…

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After years of renting, you are buying your first home.

It's been decades since you last bought a property--the children have grown and its time to look at down-sizing.

You've bought and sold many properties over the years, but the market has changed considerably in recent years.

Regardless of the circumstances that bring you towards making a home purchase, there are Buyer Do's which apply for us all. Note the attached article,

Buying A Home - Top 10 List of Things Buyers Should Know - Yahoo! HOMES 

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"How can we enjoy the holidays when our house is for sale?"

"Should we pull our home off the market until after the New Year?" 

"What if we miss 'our buyer'?"

The winter holiday season is a pivotal time of year for most households. Because of this, many home sellers feel stressed over how to continue their beloved traditions without missing the opportunity to present their property to potential home buyer prospects for weeks or months out of the year.

This holiday season may be the first time that you and your loved ones feel that you must pick one over the other, yet our team of seasoned real estate professionals have learned otherwise. Overcoming such obstacles as showings during the holidays is not as difficult as it may at first seem.…

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Tradition. The tie that binds is our common shared experience.

Time honored traditions, although passed down from generation to generation, have evolved over the centuries. Greatly influenced by technology (or lack thereof) what we find ourselves celebrating today is something quite different from that of our forefathers.

The link below affords us a peek into the daily life and customs of the early Americans and the Pilgrim settlers. We invite you to compare how times have changed by viewing the slide presentations of our catalogue of homes that are currently on the market, and to reflect on the many benefits and amenities that have become so much a part of our lives today that we could easily take for granted.

May you all enjoy a happy…

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Peak autumn colors have faded, snowbirds have begun their seasonal pilgrimage to warmer southern climates, and Monday morning's icy rush hour commute can only bring us to one conclusion: Mother Nature has given us our official 'heads up' that winter is soon to be upon us!

That said, now is the time to take advantage of the days left to finish those pesky outdoor|seasonal|winterizing chores before it becomes more difficult and challenging to do so. The attached article offers helpful tips on being ahead of the 8-Ball...or,...in our case, ahead of the SNOWball!

November "Must Do" Projects

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