When we purchase a new home, homeowner's insurance is ascertained and often directly incorporated into monthly mortgage payments by our bank.

Although this is an excellent idea, as life goes on homeowners can find themselves losing track of how their assets have grown and changed with regards to changing insurance rules, standards and policy. To make sure that your home and belongings are appropriately insured, revisit your circumstances and adjust your coverage as needed. 

Note this interesting Kiplinger.com article with points to consider when evaluating your homeowner's coverage. 


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Let's face it...transitional seasons make for sad-looking backyards.

Although autumn colors are gorgeous, properties with closed pools and post-summer garden beds lack the punch that sellers need to capture the hearts of potential buyers.

Spring is not the only time that your garden can be an outdoor sanctuary. Minnesota offers a Theater of Seasons. Rather than lament over the passing of warm summer months--celebrate the color and vibrancy of Fall. There are ways to decorate your yard for the season without cartoonish scarecrows and jack o'lanterns. Although these playful elements are fun, why limit your decor to one holiday? Addressing your gardens, yards and porches seasonally extend the longevity of your decor and ultimately stretch the…

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You've probably been hearing "It's a great time to buy" for a while now.  Turns out, this is still true!  Not only are interest rates low, the rental market is increasingly competitive, making it harder to find an affordable lease.  However, with the current market, great homes are selling quickly, so it's important to do the background preparation so that you're ready when you find the home of your dreams.

The first step in buying a house is speaking with a loan officer to obtain a pre-approval.  Not only will you need a pre-approval letter when making an offer on a house, but getting pre-approved will answer a number of your questions up front.  A loan officer can help identify an appropriate price range, what monthly payments will look like, and…

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Not all home improvement projects improve the likelihood of getting your property sold. Your award-winning half acre of professional grade gardens may be impressive...but to a potential buyer an impossible upkeep issue. The 70's inspired neon disco amusement room may hold fond memories of your growing family's teen years,...but to an emotionally detached potential buyer its just a dated space that will cost time and money to update.

When seeking to sell your property and receive an offer that meets your selling price, the property has to be neutralized with regards to over-the-top design elements that would greatly reduce the buyer pool. Excess is any form rarely reaps positive results. By avoiding extreme home decor, you broaden the scope of potential…

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Yes...you've read correctly...winterizing.

Minnesota--The Theater of Seasons...is not without its drama.  Well known for blistering hot summer days flanked by a seemingly never-ending snow season, our beautiful state affords some of the most picturesque manifestations of the transitional shoulder seasons of Spring and Fall. As we approach late summer and the school year is underway, weekend project opportunities become more elusive and fleeting. Postponed home maintenance projects require our attention now...or risk being put off for another six months. 

Once Labor Day festivities and barbeques are behind us, why not make it your resolve to tick some of these projects off your Honey Do list?

Why The Rush: Being Proactive Now Prevents Regrets…

778 Views, 0 Comments

We've all heard the saying that 'the Devil's in the details'. This is oh so true when it comes down to creating a positive lasting impression. Don't let deferred maintenance and lack of curb appeal douse your hopes of receiving an offer on your property.

If a potential buyer's first impression is tainted by little things that have been deferred or ignored, as small as they may seem, these little distractions can add up and later weigh in as deal breakers. Whereas some home repairs are best left to professionals, there are projects that homesellers can do that are so simple that they are often overlooked.  

The basic rule of thumb is: Maintain

If you are not able to be present to do so yourself, hire someone to watch over your property. It is…

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More often than not, deferred maintenance means that home repairs must be made in order to secure an offer when selling your home. When to hire a professional and when to attempt to make repairs yourself can be a dilemma.

Some home repairs make great weekend projects that with the investment of a few dollars and some elbow grease, can add up to big bucks when it comes to a sale. Whereas, other projects should be hired out to true professionals.

When considering enlisting an old friend, bartering pizza and beer to the ridiculously good looking neighbor guy, or sucking it up and hiring a true professional, consider that not only do you get what you pay for, but that there may be permits required and|or the project may entail complexities too…

694 Views, 0 Comments

As the market continues on its healing trend, reports support buying as the better investment over renting.

Note the attached new article as reported by ABC News:

Buying Better Than Renting

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The Wall Street Journal recognizes the Barry Berg Group as Coldwell Banker Burnet's Top Team in Real Estate Transactions!

Minneapolis-St Paul Business Journal

In today’s competitive marketplace wherein presentation is key to garnering the right buyer for your property, it is more crucial than ever to have the value of a professional team working on your behalf.

 The First Impression Is The Lasting Impression.

Studies on the subject repeatedly show that first impressions are gathered within the first few minutes while in a home. For this reason, business partners Chad Larsen and Barry Berg have gathered together a team of professionals, and have honed a process that is employed with each of our listings to ensure that your property is…

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