From taking our first step, expressing individuality has helped us to grow while balancing awareness of the need to fit in and remain generally excepted.

For this very reason buyers seek out a home that they feel 'fits' them in a way that isn't cookie cutter, yet doesn't stand out in such a way that turns others off.

When you are planning to move and are making your property ready for the market, you'll want to give serious consideration to curb appeal. There have been many buyers who were interested from viewing photos online, but never stepped foot inside of a property because the curb appeal was lacking.

What should be done? The answer is as simple as 1-2-3.

1 - Clean, clean, clean

2 - Update and Refresh both inside and out

3 -…

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As one school year comes to a close, planning for the next school year begins.

A major criteria for many parents is the school district that their new home lies within. Not everyone has the option of private or home schooling, so the quality of the public school system bears much weight when determining which property is the best fit for a family.

US News Top Ranking Minnesota Schools

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When competing in the marketplace at its busiest, first impressions are the most lasting. The lack of staging can be what prevents a potential buyer from connecting emotionally with a property, and envisioning themselves living there.

What can be done? Often times it's as easy as a little elbow grease and simplifying. Going the extra mile could mean extra dollars in your pocket and a successful purchase agreement on your house.

Less Is More article

Make A Statement article

862 Views, 0 Comments

Market recovery is a process. Last year has proved that stabilizing of today's real estate marketplace has properties moving faster. The confluence of lower interest rates and appropriately priced properties has led to more sales and reduced inventory.  As we progress into a more active real estate market than we’ve experienced over recent years, we are finding buyer confidence is on the rise -- a good sign for both buyers and sellers.

Contact Barry or Chad to schedule a consultation to determine how the Barry Berg Group can put their professional services to work for you!

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When a property has four or five rooms on the upper level, but only two are set up as bedrooms (perhaps one is a sewing room, another a den, and yet another just a holding room for storage), as a seller you could be hindering yourself from getting your property sold. 

Unintentionably, the impression is that the house is too small ('it only had two bedrooms' and/or 'there's not enough storage or closet space--if they had to put all their junk into a bedroom, my things won't fit either' and so on.) Similarly, the same negative impression can be given if your staging and decorating choices are inappropriately scaled for the size of the room.

When families are seeking out a new home, they are often projecting in their mind's eye into the…

787 Views, 0 Comments

In today's competitive real estate market, how your property compares with other like homes will mean the difference in securing an offer.

Living day to day in a property, it's easy to overlook flaws and minor fix-it projects. Then the day comes when we want to move and these seemingly little projects become an overwhelming nuisance. Some homeowners feel that the new buyer 'is going to change everything anyway, let them pay for the improvements'.

You could decide to do this. However, by doing so you set yourself up to either, 1) receive a lowball offer 'because there is so much to do to fix up the place and that will cost us money' or you could miss out entirely on an offer to the turn-key listing down the street. (Turn-key means turn the key…

837 Views, 0 Comments

From the time that a child gets her first Barbie's Dream House, builds a treehouse, or carves out a fort in the snow, he or she starts the process of deciding what home means to them. For many, its a long stretch between knowing what their wants and needs are to what they are able to afford. So how does one go about obtaining the house of their dreams?

Start with good spending habits. The key to qualifying and getting approved for the best mortgage rates is linked closely to one's credit rating, and the amount one is approved for is what most greatly impacts one's choices when shopping for a home.

Are you just starting out as a first-time homebuyer? Regrouping following the economic crisis? Or perhaps you have a grown child that is now…

810 Views, 0 Comments

Whenever you are heading out of town for a long weekend or going on a vacation during winter months, it is imperative to take precautions against freezing water pipes.

Minnesnowta winters can flip balmy mid-30's temperatures into sub-zero temps overnight. Note the attached article as published online regarding what measures you can take to prevent coming home to a disaster. 

Yahoo! HOMES article, Preventing Pipes From Freezing 

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When selling a home, being prepared on an ongoing basis to accommodate showings can make one feel apprehensive...particularly if the job to maintain its showing appeal falls primarily onto one person's shoulders. This can prove to be even more daunting with households that include young persons and|or small children.

The fact is, just because we are moving doesn't mean that our lives orbit around The House. There are still school projects to be created, sports activities to attend, and lest we forget, cold and flu season can throw a wrench into even Martha Stewart's routine!

For those with busy households, teamwork is an absolute necessity when it comes to picking up. When everyone pitches in it can be a real stress diffuser for mom and dad, and…

865 Views, 0 Comments

Cut Home Insurance Costs While Increasing Home Value

The turn of the New Year presents us with the opportunity to establish new habits, eliminate outdated practices and services, while readdressing needs often overlooked during busier times in the year.

As times change, so does the appropriate coverage for our assets. For example, making necessary roof repairs not only lowers one's home insurance costs, it enhances the resale value at the same time. Note the attached article and see whether or not there are points worthy of consideration with your home. 

Yahoo! HOMES / article "10 Ways to control your home insurance costs'

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