Trust and expertise transform real estate from ordinary to extraordinary, which was paramount for Hunt Greene and Jane Piccard. After 37 years in their picturesque Lake Minnetonka residence, Hunt and Jane recently transitioned to a nearby townhome. Their journey was marked by a steadfast partnership with the Berg Larsen Group.

“Barry Berg’s name is synonymous with excellence in the Minnesota real estate scene, “ says Hunt, who first met Barry during their time at Harvard Business School in the ‘70s.

When Hunt and Jane first arrived in Minnesota in 1976, Barry was there to guide them through the purchase of their initial home. A decade later, they sought Barry's expertise to sell their first house and transition to the stunning Lake Minnetonka…

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The prospect of a new year often prompts reflection and resolution. We ask ourselves what’s next. Perhaps we recommit to what’s already working for us or maybe we commit to something new. Both are viable options, even when it comes to our homes.

At some point, you decided to buy your current home. For many Berg Larsen Group clients, a home is a long-term commitment. It’s common for people to find the home that checks all the boxes and then to make adaptations as life changes. We have clients who have stayed in their current homes for decades, and it warms our hearts that the home remains the right fit and the best financial decision.

However, you may ponder whether you’re interested and ready for your next home. Life is a series of what’s next, so…

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One of the many perks of living in Minnesota is being able to experience all four seasons and the variety of outdoor activities they offer. 

Subject to snow conditions, Barry Berg often enjoys cross country skiing during the winter months. For Chad Larsen, platform tennis is the way to go. 

“Playing platform tennis, or paddle tennis, is a great outdoor sport to embrace the winter weather,” says Chad. “It is a fast-paced, doubles game that is great for exercise and camaraderie.”

In addition to enjoying winter sports, Chad has a tradition of incorporating seasonal elements into some sweet treats. 

Chad explains, “Over the years, starting when we first moved to Minnesota 25 years ago, we have gone strawberry picking, raspberry picking, and…

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The holidays are a time of tradition - both cherishing the old and creating the new. 

Timeless Traditions

One of Barry Berg’s big holiday traditions is his annual “Soup Night” the Wednesday before Thanksgiving. 

“This year was our 23rd annual such evening,” says Barry. “We typically host 45-55 people that evening. Each year, we provide the soups (3 ‘made from scratch’) and wines, while inviting guests to bring hors d’oeuvres, salads and desserts. It’s always a terrific start to the holiday season.”

As the season progresses, Barry looks forward to typically celebrating Christmas with Walter’s family in New York City. There, they always include at least one “family-friendly” Broadway musical as a family and often attend one or two  other shows…

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One of the best parts of the holiday season is seeing how people decorate their homes. While some people gravitate towards the traditional look, others choose a more modern feel or perhaps even a creative theme. At the Berg Larsen Group, various styles are represented - from Charlie Brown trees to ornaments from around the world.  

More Decor!

When it comes to holiday decor, everyone has their own little twist. For Deb Shafer, traditional decor is the way to go. 

“I have very sentimental ornaments and a nativity set from my mom and dad, who are no longer with me,” says Deb. “My niece started my collection of nutcrackers about 15 years ago, and it continues to grow each year.” 

Krista Eull, on the other hand, chooses a less traditional…

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Feeling festive isn't one size fits all. For some people, the perfect sweater is what gets them in the mood, while others watch their favorite seasonal flicks and debate whether Die Hard is a holiday movie (which Chad Larsen unequivocally believes it to be). Whether you’re looking for some festive fashion inspiration or new movies for your watch list, the Berg Larsen Group has you covered.  

Festive Fashion

When it comes to Chad’s festive holiday garb, an “ugly” sweater is never out of the question. Additionally, Chad has been known to rock some bold holiday pants. 

“I do occasionally enjoy providing some shock and awe during the festive holiday season, while still looking good,” says Chad. “I just purchased an updated version for this year!”

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Sometimes, the best holiday memories happen far away from home. 

Far Away Holidays with Barry Berg

For Barry Berg, there were many wonderful Christmas ski vacations in years past to Sun Valley, Idaho or Snowmass/Aspen, Colorado. Barry recalls, “As a family, we have shared memories as much about the ambience, music and celebrations in those locales as about the beautiful days spent on the slopes.” 

In addition to being a family of skiers, Barry’s daughter was a competitive figure skater. 

“We have memories of her skating during vacations and of ‘ice shows’ featuring many of the top national and international skaters,” says Barry. 

Christmas ‘Up North’ with Krista Eull

As children grow older, oftentimes our holiday traditions grow as well.…

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In certain aspects of life, professionals turn to other professionals for expert guidance. Doctors consult with fellow doctors, lawyers seek advice from their legal peers, and Realtors like Denise H. choose the Berg Larsen Group.

After dedicating nearly two decades to helping others buy and sell homes in the Twin Cities, Denise found herself ready to part with her own home of 38 years and embrace condo living. Recognizing the significance of this transition, she sought the support of seasoned industry professionals, ultimately turning to the Berg Larsen Group. 

Throughout her real estate career, Denise had crossed paths with Barry Berg and Chad Larsen on several occasions.

“I always had respect for the way they did business,” Denise reflects.…

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It wouldn’t be the holiday season without memories of family food traditions, a handful of memorable gifts received, and the gifts we’ve shared with others. 

Our Favorite Festive Foods

For Deb Shafer, having a casual Christmas Eve dinner of grilled cheese and tomato soup is a favorite holiday tradition. 

Deb explains, “When my daughters were little, I decided it was too much to prepare a big Christmas Eve dinner, get them to bed, then create Christmas magic. So, we started having grilled cheese and tomato soup for dinner. My husband and I still look forward to having it every year and my daughters now do the same with their families.”

Chad Larsen, on the other hand, saves his appetite for something a little sweeter. Each year, Chad looks…

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In our everyday work, we have the opportunity to know you and your lifestyle. Our ability to guide you through your home buying or selling process hinges on understanding who you are, how you live, and what’s important to you. But, oftentimes our clients don’t have the opportunity to know us in that way. That’s why this year, we want to extend the same to you by sharing what’s important to us during the holiday season. 

Through the end of the year, you’ll see a handful of blogs highlighting some of our holiday favorites - foods, traditions, decorations, movies, and more. Stay tuned and be sure to check out our Instagram and Facebook for some fun holiday photos. 

Happy Holidays from the Berg Larsen Group!

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